Childhood Trauma & CPTSD – Children of Abusive Parents program

Our flagship program is designed to help you address the emotional pain, compulsive behaviors, low self esteem and other additional symptoms that you may feel as a result of a difficult, abusive, or unsupporting home environment when you were a child. The Children of Abusive Parents Program is a unique course designed for victims by ex-sufferers who understand how sustained unsafe and frightening environments shape who you are as an adult. This is the program we wish we’d found from the start!

Trauma is defined as an experience and/or event that is perceived as life threatening or creates feelings of over whelmingness and if these experiences are long lasting or occur multiple times when you are young, it can have devastating effect on our mind and body that last well into adulthood.

Reaction to trauma is a personal and individual experience. However, key repeating elements typically appear for many sufferers such as loss of connection, constant second guessing oneself, negative inner critic, or social anxiety as quick examples. These recurring symptoms mean a few things:

• YOU ARE NOT ALONE! It can feel isolating to be the only one struggling with these things but you are not the only one carrying these burdens.
• Through analysis of multiple sufferers we can pinpoint the key incidents, feelings, and emotions that you have survived but are now holding you back.
• Given that these behaviours were learned, they really can be unlearned with guidance. This is what we do, we show you a better way.

Does this sound familiar?

• You feel like something is “wrong” with you or that you’re broken.
• You feel anxious, depressed, hopeless, or easily overwhelmed and triggered.
• You struggle with negative emotions. You often find your emotions overwhelming, very intense or you lose the person you like to be when you overthink everything.
• You find your relationships are too one way or that you aren’t valued by the people you try to support. We can often neglect our own needs to please others first instead.
• You know your childhood trauma or incidents from your past are holding you back but you don’t know where to start.
• You can engage in unhealthy coping patterns like endlessly skipping through Youtube or netflix, overeating, reckless spending or getting drunk, taking drugs or looking for any casual sexual encounter.

And did you experience two or more of the following:

• Feelings of being unwanted or a nuisance to your parents?
• That your parents were often too interested in their own choices than yours?
• You had one or more siblings who were treated better than you while you were the focal point of blame within the family?
• Physical violence or emotional violence/blackmail towards you from a parent?
• A parent who lied or manipulated the truth about things you’d said/done causing you to question yourself? (Gaslighting)
• Your parents/parent were nicer to you in front of other people and treated you differently when you were at home?
• As a result, you chose to watch TV/Play video games/stay out of the house to feel safe?

This program can help you:

• Identify trauma sources and understand how they underpin decision making
• Understand how we self-medicate trauma and how it can block true connection with ourselves and others
• Develop tools and learn new cognition to snap you out of negative thought quickly before you get too far along the cycle.
• Learn to reconcile and heal from your past. To live your dream life

Unlike other ‘coaches’, our program allows you to build a long term relationship with one of our mentors to develop long term and sustainable change. Other providers often charge thousands for a week long or 1 month course which shows some immediate change in the short term before you quickly drop off and fall back to old ways within a fortnight. This is why we set Just PG it to be different.

We don’t want a quick income. We want to help you. Long Term.