Self-Confidence Coaching – Becoming the true You program

In our experience, there are two types of confident people. You probably know people that fit into one of these two categories:

• The people who are naturally confident and have never had any issues with confidence in their life.
• People who weren’t born super confident and learned how to be confident with time.

Well, we’re going to let you in on a little secret: All of those confident people actually fit into category 2, they probably just don’t know it. The truth is nobody is born super confident no matter what they may tell you or what they believe. Everything in life is learned! We’ll concede that your genetics plays a part in the person you are physically and what eye colour you have etc. But the languages we speak, the foods we like, the music we listen to, the partners we fancy, the friends we love, the things we think, feel, tell ourselves…. They are all influenced by our experiences in our lives and particularly between the ages of 0-7.

Your mental processes are no different. Any number of negative things could have happened to you when you were young and your mind adapts to what it experiences and reacts to serve you as it think is best for you at the time. Later, your environments change but your mind still behaves in these old ways and without being conscious can hold you back. This is the first thing we need to understand.

Perhaps awful things happened to you later in life too. But the way you process these events as a result of that old programming defines how you will react to them and how quickly you may heal. Ever wondered why two people who develop the same illness deal with it in totally contrasting ways, one is super positive and the other negative and depressed? Your early programing. But anything learned is not permanent. We forget things all the time! That means you can change what you think and these limiting beliefs can be erased! You really do have the power!