Hi, I’m Chris!

I founded Just PG it to help highly-resilient and tenacious people like you receive education, tools and support to process the past and integrate new learning into your future.

I’ve spent the last 20 years critically analysing and studying my own healing looking for answers to my struggles and the last 7 advising others. Because of my troubles, my flaws and lack of real help from medical fields, I walked my path 95% alone. I pushed everybody away and lost most of my friends along the way. And while I can look back on it now with gratitude for the man I’ve become and the knowledge I have gained….well I don’t want to lie to you: It was really hard. 

I know what it is to be truly alone with no one to talk to and fight on hoping to find solutions when current systems are failing you. And I don’t want to see anyone else go through what I did. I am incredibly proud of the person I am now: I’m kind, smart and I really genuinely care about helping you. So why let people search for answers when I can fast track your journey? No lies. No bullshit. I just want to do my best for you.