
Choosing and finding the right program or coach can be an overwhelming experience. You may second guess yourself or spend ages trying to find the perfect program or coach for you and end up putting off your search indefinitely, but the truth is: No program you find will ever be PERFECT for you because you are an individual and need to be treated as such. Generic coaches or therapists seem to offer a catch-all program designed to gather up as many clients as possible to earn their mortgage quickly. We don’t.

Our programs have been carefully constructed through years of experience to include modules and elements that we have found to be relevant to all of our clients and forms the foundation of the relevant program. But that’s where the generalizations end. Once the induction and initial sessions have concluded, your course is then tailored to suit you and your needs based on your wishes in conjunction with the recommendation of your chosen coach.

We invite you to explore the course options below and contact us if you want any advice in choosing the relevant course for you.